Prestige & Performance Car Specialists.

Quality Used Cars In Wymondham, Norfolk

We specialise in the sale of high-quality used cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche, which we source mainly from our extensive contacts within the main dealer network and specialist buyers.

We offer our customers a highly individualised approach to buying a vehicle. Every single car is carefully hand-picked, rigorously checked and prepared and, where required, serviced to the highest standards. This includes being professionally valeted to showroom condition. Included in the purchase price of the vehicle is 6 months comprehensive warranty with nationwide coverage. If desired, you may extend your warranty to give 12, 24 or 36 months cover.

Here at Anthony Dale Prestige, we consider ourselves to have a different style of operating from normal dealerships. We ensure that the 'personal touch' is evident across all areas of our business. We do not see our customers as just another sale; we want you to feel a part of the Anthony Dale Prestige brand and to want to come back for your second and third vehicles, and tell your friends and family about the excellent service we have provided for you. All vehicles are HPI checked. We are FCA approved and have a vast panel of lenders who can offer flexible finance packages at competitive rates to suit your needs.